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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

2013 Hot Reads for Cold Nights a Huge Success

The Northfield Public Library's adult winter reading program Hot Reads for Cold Nights, ran from January 7 - March 1 this year.  Participants were able to sign up at both the library and the Northfield Senior Center.  We had 49 participants, a jump from 32 participants in 2012, and 27 in 2011.
This year we had a drawing of three names per week for $5.00 gift certificates for local businesses.
The first gift certificates to be chosen were Northfield's new Cake Walk, on Division Street!
Gift certificates from other businesses included Bittersweet Cafe, Cocoa Bean, Goodbye Blue Monday, Hogan Bros, Measuring Cup, Monkey See Monkey Read, Quality Bakery, and Sketchy Artist.   
Each participant completed a short book description for each book they read,  which was posted on a bulletin board on the first floor of the library. 
I submitted five descriptions each week to the Northfield News to be published.
Following are some representative book descriptions from the 2013 Hot Reads program.
Perhaps you will find a book you would like to read!

Harlan Coben  Live Wire
One Facebook post triggers a series of connected events.  Myron investigates ths past, questioning the paternity of a client's unborn child.  In the process, he stumbles across his estranged sister-in-law and discovers he has a nephew.  Somehow everything connects!

Peter Geye  The Lighthouse Road
The novel crosses time frames from 1800's to the 1920's.  A good book to read in the winter.  A book dealing with loss and survival.

Dorothy Gilman Mrs. Polifax and the Second Thief 
Delightful 70 year old CIA agent volunteers for adventure.

Candace Milland The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey.
Well written retelling of Theodore Roosevelt's documenting a tributary of the Amazon, in 1913.

M.L. Stedman  Light Between Oceans
The story of a World War I veteran and his wife's life as a lighthouse keeper off the coast of Australia.  It involves a missing and found baby.  A very good story.

Helen Dunmore  The Siege
Set in Leningrad during the World War II blockage by Germans and Finns.
Excellent writer.  Easy to read love story in the worst of times.

Kate Furnivall  White Pearl
Furnival writes of the British rubber plantation owner's attempt to survive and escape the Japanese invasion in World War II.  The previously unfulfilled wife realizes new strengths as she struggles to help her son and husband on their yacht among the islands of the Java Sea.

Kazuo Ishiguro  The Remains of the Day
A very unique and intersting perspective.  A top notch English butler looks back with some concern at his life and times.  Excellent writing and character tone.

Elissa Montanti  I'll Stand by You; One Woman's Mission to Heal the Children of the World
Elissa finds her mission in life - to provide protheses for children injured in war, natural disasters, or accidents.  She has been able to provide over 150 children with new arms and/or legs and replacements until they become 18.

Elizabeth Strout  Abide With Me
Pay attention during the first part in order to enjoy the connection toward the end!  The author also wrote Olive Kitteridge.

David Kirby  Death at SeaWorld
Is keeping killer whales in captivity for entertainment purposes justifiable?
A very absorbing novel about the whales and trainers who have died or were badly injured during the show.  New insight into captive killer whales.

Halik Kochanski The Eagle Unbowed; Poland and the Poles in the Second World War 
This book examines from many perspectives the role of Poland and the Polish people in the second World War.  A comprehensive description of how Poland found itself a communist dominated country after the war.

Kat Martin  Against the Odds
Sabrina Eckhart inherits a mine from her uncle and finds out it is valuale.  Accidents happen and someone is trying to kill her.  Alex Justice helps protect her and find out who is after her.

Elaine Pagels  Beyond Belief
A study of how the Books of the New Testament came to be.  A close examination of what the rejection of the many other Books meant to defining the Christian belief system.

Rory Stewart  The Places in Between
A young man walks across the mountains of Central Afghanistan in 2012.  An amazing travel adventure, a rare find and a rare experience..

Andrew Blackwell  Visit Sunny Chernobyl; and Other Adventures in the World's Most Polluted Places
Blackwell visits seven of the most polluted places on the plantet - from oil sand mines in Alberta to the garbage patch in the mid-Pacific.  He writes with wit and insight.  Not your typical travel book!

Fiona, Countess of Carnarvon  Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey
The present occupant of Highclere Castle details the history in clear and engaging prose, covering upstairs, downstairs, World War I and all the colorful real life people on whom the PBS series is based.  Highly recommended.

Ursula Hegi  Floating in My Mother's Palm
Narrated by a young girl growing up in post WWII Germany, this novel is composed of a series of chapters, each of which could stand as it's own short story.  An excellent read.  Many copies in the SELCO system.

Mike Link and Kate Crowley  Going Full Circle; a 1,555 Mile Walk Around the World's Largest Lake
Husband and wife team walk the 1,555 miles around Lake Superior from April 2010 to August 2010.  Part pilgrimage, part scientific journey, this book will inspire you to visit many of the sites they see, and become an advocate for these unique resources.

H.G. Wells  The Invisible Man
The power of invisibility feeds the ego of a megalomaniac.  A sci-fi classic.

Ethan Rarick  Desperate Passage; the Donner Party's Perilous Journey West
The book details the journey of the 1846 Donner Party.  Very interesting discussion of the decisions made regarding the route taken and how these decisions influenced the fate of the travelers.

Catherine Coulter  Double Take
Julia Ransom, whose husband was murdered, becomes the target of a killer.  The FBI becomes involved along with a sheriff whose wife disappeared.

Wessel Ebersohn  Those Who Love Night
A young African lawyer fights for release of seven prisoners in the Zimbabwe prison.  She finds out that one of the prisoners is her cousin.

A. Manette Ansay  Vinegar Hill
The story of a troubled family working out and enduring family secrets.

Mary Daheim  All the Pretty Horses
This is the 26th in the bed and breakfast mystery series.  As in the author's other series, sometimes it is hard to keep all the characters straight.  This book is light and not graphic.

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