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Monday, April 25, 2011

A Guy's Booklist

All the Pretty Horses - Cormac McCarthy  (FIC McCa)
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay - Michael Chabon  (FIC Chab)
Angela’s Ashes - Frank McCourt  (921 McC)
Angels and Demons - Dan Brown  (MY/PB FIC)
Angle of Repose - Wallace Earle Stegner  (FIC Steg)
Atonement - Ian McEwan  (FIC McEw)
Balzac & the Little Chinese Seamstress –Dai Sijie  (FIC Dai)
Bird Artist - Howard Norman  (FIC Nor)
The Book Thief - Markus Zusak  (YA Zus)
The Brothers K - David James Duncan  (FIC Dunc)
Cider House Rules - John Irving  (FIC Irvi)
City of Thieves - David Benioff  (FIC Beni)
Cold Mountain - Charles Frazier  (FIC Fraz
The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen  (FIC Fran)
The Crossing - Cormac McCarthy  (FIC McCa)
Crossing to Safety - Wallace Stegner  (FIC Steg)
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime - Mark Haddon (YA Had)
Dancing at the Rascal Fair - Ivan Doig  (FIC Diog)
Davita’s Harp - Chaim Potok  (FIC Poto)
The Devil in the White City - Erik Larson  (364.1523 La)
Disgrace - J.M. Coetzee  (FIC Coet)
East of Eden - John Steinbeck  (FIC Stei)
Empire Falls - Richard Russo  (FIC Russ)
The Enchantment of Lily Dahl - Siri Hustvedt  (FIC Hust)
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury  (SF Brad)
Ghost Soldiers: The Forgotten Epic Story of World War II's Most Dramatic Mission - Hampton Sides (940.5425 Si)
Giants in the Earth - Ole Rolvaag  (FIC Rolv)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Steig Larsson  (FIC Lars)
A Good Year - Peter Mayle  (FIC Mayl)
The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck  (FIC Stei)
Great Train Robbery - Michael Crichton  (FIC Cric)
In the Heart of the Sea - Nathaniel Philbrick  (910.9164 Ph)
In the Lake of the Woods - Tim O’Brien  (FIC O’BRI)
Independence Day - Richard Ford  (FIC Ford)
Into thin Air - John Krakauer  (796.522 Kr)
Jayber Crow - Wendell Berry  (FIC Berr)
July, July - Tim O’Brien (FIC O’Bri)
Killer Angels - Michael Shaara  (FIC Shaa)
Kissing in Manhattan - David Schickler (FIC Schi)
Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini  (FIC HOSS)
The Known World - Edward P. Jones (FIC Jone)
Lady Chatterly’s Lover - D.H. Lawrence  (FIC Lawr)
Last Orders - Graham Swift  (FIC Swif)
Legends of the Fall - Jim Harrison  (FIC Harr)
A Lesson Before Dying - Ernest Gaines  (FIC Gain)
Let the Great World Spin  - Colum McCann  (FIC McCa)
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov  (FIC Nabo)
Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez  (FIC Garc)
Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold  (FIC Sebo)
Lullaby - Chuck Palahniuk  (FIC Pala)
Maltese Falcon - Dashiell Hammett  (MY Hamm)
Memoir from an Ant Proof Case  - Mark Helprin  (FIC Help)
Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden  (FIC Gold)
Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil - John Berendt  (975.8724 Be)
Moby Dick - Herman Melville  (PB/FIC Mel)
Montana 1948 - Larry Watson  (FIC Wats)
Old School - Tobias Wolff  (FIC Wolf)
On the Road - Jack Kerouac  (FIC Kero)
Out Stealing Horses - Per Petterson  (Fic Pett)
Peace Like a River - Leif Enger  (FIC Enge)
The Perfect Storm - Sebastian Junger  (974.45 Ju)
The Piano Tuner - Daniel Mason  (FIC Maso)
Plainsong - Kent Haruf  (FIC Haru)
Population 485 - Mike Perry  (917.75 Pe)
Prayer for Owen Meany - John Irving  (FIC Irvi)
The Reader - Bernard Schlink  (FIC Schl)
The Red Badge of Courage - Stephan Crane  (FIC Cran)
Red Earth, White Earth - Will Weaver (FIC Weav)
The River Why - David James Duncan  (FIC Dunc)
The Road - Cormac McCarthy  (FIC McCa)
Rocket Boys - Homer Hickman  (921 Hic)
The Sea Wolf - John London  (FIC Lond)
Separate Peace - John Knowles  (FIC Know)
Shipping News - Anne Proulx  (FIC Prou)
Simon’s Night - John Hassler (PB/FIC)
Snow Falling on Cedars - David Guterson  (FIC Gute)
Soldier of the Great War - Mark Helprin  (FIC Help)
Sound and the FuryWilliam Faulkner  (FIC Faul)
Spartina - John Casey  (FIC Case)
Star of the SeaJoseph O’Connor  (FIC O’Con)
Stones from the River - Ursula Hegi  (FIC Hegi)
Straight Man - Richard Russo  (FIC Russ)
Suite Francaise - Irene Nemirovsky  (FIC Nemi)
The Sun Also RisesErnest Hemingway  (FIC Hemi)
The Things They CarriedTim O’Brien  (FIC O’Bre)
A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini  (FIC Hoss)
To have and Have NotErnest Hemingway  (FIC Hemi)
Tortilla Curtain - T.C. Boyle   (FIC Boyl)
Travels with Charley - John Steinbeck   (917.3 St)
The Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kundera   (FIC Kund)
A Very Long Engagement - Sebastien Japrisot   (FIC Japr)
Walk in the Woods - Bill Bryson   (917.4 Br)
Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen   (FIC Grue)
West with the Night - Beryl Markham  (921 Mar)
What’s Bred in the Bone - Robertson Davis   (FIC Davi)
Winter of our Discontent - John Steinbeck   (FIC Stein)
Year of Wonders - Geraldine Brooks (FIC Broo)
Yellow Raft in Blue WaterMIchael Dorris   (FIC Dorr)
Yiddish Policemen’s Union - Michael Chabon   (FIC Chab)